Ottawa: Skole ønsker at lærere skal bruke kjønnsnøytrale pronomen

Foto: CDC fra Unsplash
Foto: CDC fra Unsplash

Representanter fra et skolestyre i Ottava har sent en e-post til alle ansatte som foreslår at de alle skal starte neste skoleår med å bruke kjønnsnøytrale pronomen på elevene fram til elevene har valgt sine foretrukne pronomen. De skriver også at kunnskap om LHBTIQ-identitet må bli en del av den overordnete læreplanen, og derfor ikke noe som kan diskuteres eller velges bort. Det er avisen The Epoch Times som skriver dette.

Avisen skriver videre:

The suggestion was part of an email which started by saying that staff have a “professional and legal responsibility” to ensure an inclusive environment for 2SLGBTQ+ students and families.

“The intention [of the email was] to suggest some actions that can be taken during Pride Month and beyond to promote inclusivity and belonging in our schools,” said Ottawa-Carleton District School Board spokesperson Darcy Knoll in an email to The Epoch Times. June is Pride Month and the email was sent out on May 31.

He did not respond directly to the question as to whether the suggested actions extend to all age groups, including using “they/them” for kindergarten students. An OCDSB kindergarten teacher told The Epoch Times she received the email but has not yet been instructed in any staff meetings or elsewhere to act on it.

les mer her.

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