Dommen som ga Maya Forstater rett til å tro på to kjønn

Foto: Tingey Injury Law Firm fra Unsplash
Foto: Tingey Injury Law Firm fra Unsplash

Her kan dere lese dommen som stadfester at Maya Forstater (UK) ble diskriminert da hun ble avskjediget av sin arbeidsgiver etter å ha hevdet at biologiske menn ikke kan endre kjønn og bli kvinne. Det var Maya Forstater den kjente forfatteren J.K Rowling støttet da hun gikk ut og hevdet at bare kvinner kan menstruere. Det er interessant at dommen legger vekt på Forstaters tro på biologisk kjønn. Selv retten våger ikke å si noe om sannheten, men hevder at påstanden om to kjønn er en tro…

Avisen The Guardian skriver:

A researcher who lost her job at a thinktank after tweeting that transgender women could not change their biological sex has won her claim that she was unfairly discriminated against because of her gender-critical beliefs.

Maya Forstater suffered direct discrimination when the Centre for Global Development (CGD), where she was a visiting fellow, did not renew her contract or fellowship, an employment tribunal found on Wednesday.

The tribunal also ruled that Forstater, the executive director of Sex Matters, suffered victimisation with respect to the removal of her profile from CGD’s website.

Its decision comes after Forstater successfully brought a test case to establish that gender-critical views are a protected philosophical belief under the Equality Act. She initially lost that case at an employment tribunal in 2019 but won a landmark decision on appeal last year, with the judge stressing that while gender-critical views might be “profoundly offensive and even distressing to many others … they are beliefs that are and must be tolerated in a pluralist society”.


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