Det amerikanske mediehuset NBC forsvarer Pornhub, men angriper konservative familieorganisasjoner

Foto: Tiziano Brignoli fra Unsplash
Foto: Tiziano Brignoli fra Unsplash

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president for Ruth Institute. reagerer kraftig på den amerikanske TV-kanalen NBCs holdning til konservative familieorganisasjoner sammenlignet med deres dekning av kritikken av pornokanalen Pornhub:

“NBCs hykleri er sykelig,” sa Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president for Ruth Institute. “Mens det stempler Ruth institutt og andre familieorganisasjoner som” hatgrupper “, forsvarer det PornHub, en stor distributør av pedofiliavideoer.” Det skriver Lifesitenews.

«9. desember og 12. desember publiserte NBC historier som hevdet å avsløre hvordan ‘anti-homofile hatgrupper’, inkludert Ruth Institute, hadde fordel av Pay Check Protection Protection Program. Nettverkets historier var avhengige av informasjon fra det notorisk partiske, og ofte unøyaktige, Southern Poverty Law Center.”

Så, den 15. desember, forsvarte Olivia Solon, medforfatter av historien som NBC publiserte 9. desember, i prinsippet PornHub. Hun sa at “sexarbeidere” led siden kredittkortselskaper slo ned på Pornhub for å tillate videoer som viser voldtekt og seksuelt misbruk av barn.”

Lifesitenews skriver videre:

The move by Mastercard, Visa, and Discover was based on a New York Times article, which showed that the mega-porn site was one of the world’s leading purveyors of child pornography. A search on the site for keywords related to child abuse each yielded more than 100,000 videos.

“While we work to prevent sexual abuse and to help victims heal, NBC is an apologist for one the world’s leading sites promoting abuse,” Morse charged. “This is what makes its smears of the Ruth Institute and other groups defending children and the family particularly ironic.”

That’s only the latest instance of NBC’s credibility problems. Ronan Farrow, former NBC investigative reporter, says the network ordered him to stop investigating convicted sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Farrow believes that was because Weinstein had evidence against Matt Lauer, NBC’s Today Show anchor fired in 2017 for inappropriate sexual behavior.

“For NBC, the best line of defense seems to be a smear,” Morse said. “No one should take NBC seriously as a news organization. A propaganda producer, sure. But a credible news source? I don’t think so.”

Partnering with LifePetitions, the Ruth Institute has an online petition calling on NBC News to stop the smears. To date, it has collected more than 9,700 signers.

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives.

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