Australsk politiker ekskluderes etter å ha hørt på en tale om kvinners rettigheter

Foto: Joey Csunyo fra Unsplash
Foto: Joey Csunyo fra Unsplash

Nick Cater i Spiked skriver at Moira Deeming ble kastet ut av Liberal-party for å delta på et møte om kvinners rettigheter:

Even the centre-right Liberal Party opposition has surrendered to the zeitgeist. Last Friday, Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto successfully engineered the expulsion of Moira Deeming, a young conservative MP.

Moira Deeming var tilstede da feministen Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker) holdt et møte i Melbourne tidligere i år. Cater skriver videre:

Deeming’s belief that sex is determined by biology is now considered an extreme position in the Liberal Party. Pesutto says Deeming’s concerns about women’s rights are a ‘distraction’ from the state budget and the need to hold the Labor government to account

Lederen for Australias Arbeiderparti Daniel Andrews gikk også til angrep på Moira Demming og kalte hennes synspunkt for fascistiske:

Anti-transgender activists “gathered to spread hate. “I wish it didn’t have to be said, but clearly it does: Nazis aren’t welcome. Not on parliament’s steps. Not anywhere,” he said on Twitter. “They were there to say the trans community don’t deserve rights, safety or dignity … their evil ideology is to scapegoat minorities – and it’s got no place here.”

Det interessante er hvordan lederen for det liberale partiet forklarer hvorfor Moira Demming ikke har en plass i partiet. Det handler nemlig om verdier:

– This is not an issue about free speech, but a member of the parliamentary party associating with people whose views are abhorrent to my values, the values of the Liberal Party and the wider community.

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