Storbritannia vil beskytte jenteskoler mot kjønnsforvirrede gutter

Foto: MChe Lee fra Unsplash
Foto: MChe Lee fra Unsplash

Storbritannias likestillingskommisjon henlegger planene om å tvinge jenteskoler til å akseptere kjønnsforvirrede gutter. Det skriver Lifesitenews.

After threatening publication for years, the Equality and Human Rights Commission quietly decided not to publish national transgender guidelines for schools which would have forced girls’ schools to accept transgender students.

According to the Telegraph, the Equality and Human Rights Commission had promised to publish the guidelines since 2018. An earlier draft of the guidelines threatened to forbid girls-only schools from refusing to accept gender-confused boys as students.

According to the draft, an admissions policy based on sex at birth would be “indirectly discriminatory.” Likewise, a girl who had ‘transitioned’ to a boy would have been permitted to remain at a girls’ school or the school would have been considered to have committed “direct gender reassignment discrimination.”

The draft also would have required schools to either install gender-neutral bathrooms and changing rooms or allow students to use the facility that aligns with their gender identity. In physical education, boys who identified as girls would have been permitted to partake in girls’ sports.

Teachers would also have been forced to call transgender students by their newly chosen names or risk breaking the law. This is similar to a 2016 directive where teachers were instructed not to call their students “girls” for risk of offending them.

“Parents and academics said the plans showed ‘what a mess we create when we conflate sex and gender’ and eroded biological sex,” The Telegraph reports.

A spokesman for the EHRC said, “Considering the lack of definitive case law, it has become clear that publishing our guidance may not provide schools with the clarity we hoped.”

“This would not be in the best interests of young people, including trans pupils,” the spokesman continued. “We have therefore decided not to publish our guidance.”

Their decision for the guidelines to be “quietly scrapped” comes as somewhat of a surprise considering the U.K. government’s general support for transgender ideology. In 2019, the U.K. government sponsored Stonewall, major U.K. LGBT lobbying group, in their proposal of a curriculum for U.K. schools containing gay and transgender themes for children as young as five years old. Additionally, U.K. citizens posting on social media have previously faced police investigation for challenging gender ideology.

In 2019, the U.K. government published regulations for schools which included the promotion of abortion, contraception, LGBT themes and the facilitation of underage sex.

report published last year by the British think-tank Civitas, found that the transgender movement in England was having a “corrosive impact” on society. The 122 page report neatly encapsulates the recent shift in thinking on sex and gender, the impact this shift is having on women and children, particularly girls, and the reasons why transgenderism, once limited to a few middle-aged men and niche academics, now dominates civil discourse and marches, Marxist-like, through the institutions.

In April 2020 U.K. Equality minister Liz Truss expressed concern regarding children making irreversible decisions by undergoing sex-change procedures and hinted that the government may take action to protect children.

Also in 2020, a teenage girl in the U.K. pursued legal action against schools for allowing male students who identify as female to access female-only spaces like bathrooms, changing rooms, and shower rooms.

In some cases, parents are removing their children from schools which teach transgender ideology. One school in the north of England apologized to outraged parents last year, after children as young as 11 were asked to define terms such as “transsexual pornography” and “hardcore pornography” as part of a homework assignment.

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