Protester i Beograd mot Pride

Foto: Nadine Shaabana fra Unsplash
Foto: Nadine Shaabana fra Unsplash

Omlag femti tusen demonstranter tok til gatene i i den Serbiske hovedstaden Beograd søndag 14. august for å protestere mot et kommende EuroPride arrangement som skal holdes i byen 12.-18. september. Det skriver Breitbart.

Demonstrantene ropte slagord som “hendene vekk fra våre barn” og “stopp skammens parade”. Beograds innbyggere støttet derimot tradisjonelle familieverdier og gikk mot indoktrinering av LHBTIQ-ideologi.

Breitbart skriver videre:

EuroPride, a multi-day event sponsored by the LGBT community, is hosted by a different European city each year, last year’s having taken place in Copenhagen, Denmark.

According to EuroPride organizers, Belgrade will be the first city in Southeast Europe and the first outside the EEA (European Economic Area) to host a major event for the European LGBT community.

“This is a milestone for the LGBTI+ community in the whole region and the beginning of a new era,” the EuroPride2022 website declares.

“In the Western Balkans, the LGBTI+ community faces deep inequality and discrimination,” the site states. “EuroPride in Belgrade is a turning point in the region, validating the efforts of LGBTI+ activists to achieve equality and empowering them to continue the fight.”

Sunday’s protest received support from the Serbian Orthodox Church, which has voiced opposition to the gay pride event taking place in Belgrade.



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