LHBTIQ-lobbyen i FN systemet

Foto: Daryan Shamkhali fra Unsplash
Foto: Daryan Shamkhali fra Unsplash
Hvor stor innflytelse har LHBTIQ-lobbyen? Det er ikke nødvendigvis et enkelt spørsmål å svare på, men her er det en nyttig lenke til en side som gir et visst grunnlag for å forstå hvor mektig den LHBT+ lobbyen er, her i FN systemet.
“UN treaties, signed by all member states, are a means to state and globally enforce any human rights pertaining to LGBTQ issues. The UN also sets the standards on human rights that are expected of its 193 member countries. Thus, the organization represents the principle means to get collective international support for the issues facing the community.
Free and Equal, a project of the UN Human Rights Office, is the organization’s global education program for LGBTQ equality. The program’s logo is shown above left. The objective of Free and Equal is to engage people in conversation to promote the fair treatment of the LGBTQ community around the world and to generate support for measures to protect its rights.”
Her fins også en del interessant informasjon som viser fremgangen til denne lobbyen,

LGBTQ Individuals at the United Nations

UN Globe is the LGBTQ staff organization that fights for the equality and non-discrimination of all UN staff and peacekeeping officers.
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Foto: wirestock fra Freepik

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