LHBTIQ-aktivister griset til ordførers hus

Foto: Scott Webb fra Unsplash
Foto: Scott Webb fra Unsplash

I Perth i Australia fikk byens ordfører huset vandalisert av LHBTIQ-aktivister etter at han sa at kroppens anatomi avgjør den enkeltes kjønn. Det er Lifesitenews som skriver:

Basil Zempilas, the city’s recently inaugurated mayor, angered listeners of his radio show last Wednesday, when he bluntly declared, If you’ve got a penis, mate, you’re a bloke. If you’ve got a vagina, youre a woman. Game over.”

The comment was made in response to a story of a woman who refused to view her child as either male or female until he reached age 18. 

Zempilas’s co-host countered by saying, “If I subscribe to being a girl, I’m a girl,” to which Zempilas responded, “No, no, wrong.”

petition demanding his resignation had accumulated more than 10,000 signatures when it was presented to him on Sunday. The mayor also faced a large amount of online backlash, with his social media reportedly being inundated with angry messages. A march was organized this past Saturday, calling for his resignation and urging people to “Stand up to Transphobia.”

Zempilas caved and issued an apology on the City of Perth website the day after his remarks, saying his comments “do not reflect my values.” 


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Foto: Dainis Graveris fra Unsplash

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