Twitter suspenderer konto til kristent blad: Å ikke akseptere ideen om flytende kjønnsidentitet er hat

Foto: Alexander Shatov fra Unsplash
Foto: Alexander Shatov fra Unsplash

Da Joe Biden nominerte transkvinnen Rachel Levine til nasjonal helserådgiver, våget det kristne magasinet Daily Citizen å skrive at Biden hadde nominert en mann som tror at han er en kvinne. Dette fikk Twitter til å reagere og de stengte ned magasinets konto.

Nettavisen Christian Post skriver at Twitter mener utsagnet til Daily Citizen er å anse som hatefullt:

As a result, the social media giant locked the magazine out of its account, informing the publication that the tweet violated Twitter’s user rules forbidding «hateful conduct.»

The Daily Citizen appealed the suspension but was informed that its account will remain locked until it deletes the tweet.

Twitter wrote in a subsequent email to the magazine: “Hi The Daily Citizen, your account, @FocusCitizen has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically for: Violating our rules against hateful conduct. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

“Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account,” the email said. “Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.”

Det var i 2018 at Twitter forandret sin praksis som førte til et forbud for brukerne å twitre transpersoners opprinnelige navn, det vil det transaktivister omtaler som «døde navn», eller å bruke transpersoners biologiske kjønn i omtale av dem.

Daily Citizen sa i sitt svar på Twitter at mange medier har rapportert om nominasjonen, at Levine ble født som mann og fortsatt er en mann som tror han er kvinne. Magasinet har insistert på at det aldri fremmet vold og avviser Twitters påstander om at de brøt dets regler.

The Daily Citizen said in its reply to Twitter that numerous media outlets have reported on the nomination and wrote in their articles that Levine was born male and remains a man who believes he is female. Levine has undergone elective cosmetic surgery and taken cross-sex hormones in an attempt to look more like a woman physically.

The magazine has insisted that it never promoted violence and rejected Twitter’s claims that it violated its rules.

«As a Christian organization, we would never do so. We simply explained to our readers the appointment and defined what transgender women are — those born male who believe they are a woman, regardless of whether they have had opposite-sex hormones or surgeries.»

Daily Citizen er at den oppfatning at Twitters reaksjon overfor dem skyldes deres kristne ståsted:

“We believe Twitter’s blocking of this tweet and lockdown of our account discriminates against Focus on the Family’s The Daily Citizen on the basis of our religious affiliation.»


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