Parlamentsmedlem i Canada advarer mot ny radikal LHBTIQ-lovgivning

Foto: Guillaume Jaillet fra Unsplash
Foto: Guillaume Jaillet fra Unsplash

Derek Sloan er et kanadisk parlamentsmedlem (MP) og representerer et distrikt i provinsen Ontario i Underhuset. Han er kjent for å være  familiekonservativ og abortmotstander.

Han ble valgt i 2019 som medlem av Det konservative partiet i Canada, men ble nylig uavhengig fordi hans prinsipielle familievennlige standpunkter i sakene vendte det konservative partiets ledelse mot ham. Nå går han ut og advarer mot to nye lover som skal beskytte LHBTIQ-bevegelsen og ramme landets kristne.

Derek Sloan sier til Lifesitenews:

Bill C-6 would effectively ban so-called “anti-LGBT conversion therapy” in all forms, including discussions by pastors and ministers and even admonitions by parents to their children. It is possibly the broadest such ban in the world that would cover an entire nation. Violations of the law would carry outrageous punishments, including fines and prison terms of up to five years. The legislation would appear to contradict Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, i.e., their national constitution.

Bill C-36 is an expansive and tyrannical “hate crimes” bill that would make almost any ambiguous online criticism of the LGBT movement or other anti-family cause a federal crime carrying severe punishments. It even allows punishment of people who have a “potential” to post hate speech online. In addition, the law could be applied retroactively.

Derek Sloan har gitt sine uttalelser til en gruppe som kaller seg MassResistance, og Lifesitenews kommenterer det slik:

MP Sloan discussed how these two bills got such momentum and the manipulative forces behind them. He also gave us a fascinating insider’s view of the political climate in the Canadian Parliament and in Canada in general regarding the “culture war.” He was interviewed by Arthur Schaper, our National Organization Director.

In particular, MP Sloan walked MassResistance through how the LGBT movement used a strategy of lies and fear tactics to push Bill C-6 forward through Parliament. This is especially upsetting because the enormous influx of children in Canada now declaring themselves to be “transgender” or “gay” cries out for therapy that could be lifesaving for them, or at least save them from disfiguring surgery or medical procedures that would render them sterile. That bill is basically child abuse.

At the time the interview took place (July 16), Bill C-6 had easily passed the House of Commons and was headed to the Senate where it would also easily pass. Bill C-36 was about to be voted on in the House of Commons. However, on August 15, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for a federal election to take place on Sept. 20, 2021. This effectively killed all the bills currently in Parliament. However, both of these bills will surely be brought back in the next session, since they represent a major political goal of the LGBT movement in Canada.

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The deterioration of rational government in Canada today – where the world may be headed

As MP Sloan describes, these bills represent the larger direction that the political establishment in Canada is taking the country. Even though most Canadians are privately not that extreme, they tend to go along with it because the special interests (such as the LGBT movement) have become extremely powerful and intimidating, and because people tend to just react rather than think things through. This situation is very dangerous for any society.

Is this where the U.S. and other countries are headed? The terrible government oppression of people like Rob Hoogland and Bill Whatcott who have stood up to this lunatic movement, may be providing a glimpse of the future.

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