Katolske skoler i Canada skal flagge med regnbueflagget i juni

Foto: Drahomir Posteby Mach fra Unsplash
Foto: Drahomir Posteby Mach fra Unsplash

Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) stemte nylig for å erklære juni for “Pride Month” og for at skolene skal flagge med regnbueflagget “Pride” -flagget på alle skolene i distriktet selv om det strider med katolsk moralsk lære som advarer mot de åndelige farene ved homofil oppførsel og i strid med de lokale erkebiskopens direktiver om saken.

Lifesitenews skriver videre:
“With this vote, the TCDSB stepped into apostasy. It is no longer Catholic,” Jack Fonseca of Canada’s pro-life and pro-family organization Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews.

“Watching the trustees debate last night, I couldn’t believe that I was witnessing an official arm of the Roman Catholic Church agree to celebrate sexual sin. It was horrifying,” he added.

The vote comes in the wake of the TCDSB’s newly-established “2SLGBTQ+ Advisory Committee” recommending that the board proclaim June as Pride month and that the Pride flag be raised “at the Catholic Education Centre and at all schools in the system.”

Declaring June as Pride month “implores us to be compassionate, welcoming, and inclusive of marginalized people, including 2SLGBTQ+, as an example of our faith in action,” the pro-LGBT Committee stated in a report submitted to the board for the meeting last night.

The recommendations passed 7-5. Delegations at the meeting — which ended about 2 a.m. — included former Ontario Premier and current MPP Kathleen Wynne, a lesbian who as former Education Minister a decade ago was responsible for launching the pro-homosexual Equity and Inclusive Education (EIE) strategy that encouraged school boards to participate in Gay Pride parades, use texts by homosexual authors, and introduce into schools gay-straight alliance clubs. Pro-homosexual Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam also made a delegation.

Another delegate was Fr. Michael Simoes, a local priest and chaplain for the Vatican-approved ministry to homosexuals called Courage. He told trustees that declaring June as Pride month and flying the Pride flag would amount to “fatally undermining the mission of the TCDSB.”

“Everywhere (the Pride flag is) raised, traditional beliefs about life and family are compromised and eventually suppressed. And the brave souls who defend those beliefs are vilified, hounded and marginalized,” he said.

There were some trustees such as Nancy Crawford, Michael Del Grande, and Teresa Lubinski who made the case that to fly the Pride flag would mean to support sexual behaviors that are at odds with Catholic sexual moral teaching.

“The Pride Flag and the Pride movement go against our Catholic faith in many ways,” said Trustee Crawford at one point during the meeting.

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