LEGO lanserer LHBTIQ-produkter

Foto: Szabo Viktor fra Unsplash
Foto: Szabo Viktor fra Unsplash

Lego har annonsert sitt første regnbuesett noensinne, akkurat i tide til Pride-måneden juni.

Den danske leketøyprodusenten kunngjorde et nytt sett kalt “Everyone is Awesome”, som vil inneholde 11 monokromatiske, ikke-kjønnede figurer som samles for å danne en regnbue med svarte og brune striper og de transseksuelle flaggfargene.

LGBTQnation skriver videre:

“I wanted to create a model that symbolizes inclusivity and celebrate everyone, no matter how they identify or who they love,” said LEGO set designer Matthew Ashton.

He said that he designed the set a while back just to display on his desk at work, and when the company had the idea to do a Pride set he presented it.

The people in the set don’t come with faces or clothes painted on them and they aren’t being assigned genders by the company. Instead, they are supposed to “express individuality, while remaining ambiguous,” and they have different hairstyles and come in different colors even though they are otherwise the same.

Except for the purple one. Ashton told The Guardian that she is supposed to be “a clear nod to all the fabulous drag queens out there.”

The figures stand on a rainbow platform that forms an arch.

“Growing up as an LGBTQ+ kid – being told what I should play with, how I should walk, how I should talk, what I should wear – the message I always got was that somehow I was ‘wrong,’” he said. “Trying to be someone I wasn’t was exhausting. I wish, as a kid, I had looked at the world and thought: ‘This is going to be OK, there’s a place for me.’ I wish I’d seen an inclusive statement that said, ‘Everyone is awesome.’”

The set will only be available through LEGO’s website.

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Foto: Adam Nescioruk fra Unsplash

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Overlege Anne Wæhre leder teamet ved Rikshospitalet som behandler unge transpersoner sier til NRK at hun mener det er lite dokumentert at behandlinga hun gir