Høyskole i USA saksøker staten for transpåbud

Foto: Zhang Kenny fra Unsplash
Foto: Zhang Kenny fra Unsplash

CA Christian college saksøker Department of Housing and Urban Development under Biden-administrasjonen for et føderalt direktiv som krever at skolene fordeler plassene på sovesaler og dusjer basert på kjønnsidentitet i stedet for biologisk kjønn. Det skriver Elisabeth Johnston.

I følge rettsdokumenter publisert av Alliance Defending Freedom, har The College of the Ozarks, et fireårig kunsthøgskole i Point Lookout, Missouri, anlagt søksmål som svar på et pålegg som tvinger alle mottakere av føderale dollar dekket av Fair Housing til å plassere biologiske menn som identifiserer seg som kvinner i kvinnelige sovesaler og tildele dem biologiske kvinnelige romkamerater.

Elisabeth Johnston skriver videre:

The rule forces religious schools to violate their sincere beliefs, the suit argues, adding that the order was issued “without notice or the opportunity for public comment” and without consideration of alternative policies that “respect the interests of private religious colleges.”

“The government cannot and should not force schools to open girls’ dorms to males based on its politically motivated and inappropriate redefinition of ‘sex,’” said ADF senior counsel Julie Marie Blake in a statement on the nonprofit’s website. “Women shouldn’t be forced to share private spaces — including showers and dorm rooms — with males, and religious schools shouldn’t be punished simply because of their beliefs about marriage and biological sex. Government overreach by the Biden administration continues to victimize women, girls, and people of faith by gutting their legal protections, and it must be stopped.”

“Religious freedom is under attack in America, and we won’t stand on the sidelines and watch,” College of the Ozarks President Jerry C. Davis said, according to The Christian Post. “To threaten religious freedom is to threaten America itself. College of the Ozarks will not allow politicians to erode this essential American right or the ideals that shaped America’s founding.”

“The College’s sincerely held religious beliefs influence their policies, including dormitory policies, which prohibit male students from living in female residence halls, and vice versa,” the school itself said in a statement on its website regarding the legal action. The school also declared that it “holds to the Christian belief that biological sex is not changeable, and it operates its dorms accordingly.”

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Foto: Dainis Graveris fra Unsplash

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